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川普在2017年元月20日上任, 這位企業家出身的「政治素人」,過去的言行頗有爭議,行事作風迥異於一般傳統的政治人物,也不按牌理出牌,但可預料的是,其施政絕對動見觀贍, 直接影響國際政治、經濟、社會新秩序,究竟是會投下新的震撼彈,還是創新再進?皆充滿了不確定性。各國領導人現階段也都在霧裡看花,認真研究川普的思考邏輯,看川普到底會提出什麼新方妙法,因此,「川普學」正夯!


2017/1/4 17:31

The beauty of Indonesia 撰文及考題設計/British Council 英協教育中心 Jen Wen   中譯/陳怡君(中央社編譯) 圖/歐新社

Have you ever taken a two-week vacation to a majestic beach that is beyond your wildest dreams? Consider spending two weeks soaking in the clear waters and white sands of Indonesia. Indonesia consists of about 13,000 islands, of which, about 6,000 are inhabited (this number varies with sources). Due to its geographic position, it is believed to be once inhabited by Austronesian people around 1.5 million years ago. Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam are prevalent religions throughout the country.


The islands are scattered right on the equator, which are also in the same location as the Australian tectonic plates, making it a home to volcanoes! About 150 volcanoes are scattered throughout these islands; many of which are still active and have caused major devastation even up until now. There are many famous volcanoes, such as Krakatoa, Mount Rinjani and Mount Agung. Mount Agung, the highest point of Bali island, is said by many Balinese to be a copy of Mount Meru, a sacred mountain for the Hindus. They say that this mountain is the epicenter of all the physical, metaphysical and spiritual worlds. On 24 February and 17 March of 1963, the volcano exploded, generating pyroclastic flows and debris 8 to 10 km into the air. Needless to say, that eruption killed nearly 2,000 people from nearby villages.



Indonesia’s beaches are breathtaking. With such beautiful landscape, it’s also home to many recre¬ational aquatic activities, such as surfing, diving and snorkeling. Along the north-east coast of Bali, there are two well-known dive sites; one is simply known as the Japanese Wreck, and the other, the Liberty Ship Wreck. The first site was a patrol ship that was sunk during World War 2. And ironically, the Liberty was torpedoed by Japanese in 1942, which then beached on Bali. The vibrations of a volcano eruption moved the ship off the beach in 1963, making it one of the most famous dive sites in Bali.

印尼海灘美到令人屏息。擁有這麼美麗景色,當然也有許多休閒水上活動,像是衝浪、潛水與浮潛。峇里島東北岸有兩個知名潛水地點,一個稱為日本沉船(Japanese Wreck),另一個是自由號沉船(Liberty Ship Wreck)。第一個地點是二次世界大戰沉沒的巡邏船。諷刺的是,自由號遺骸是在1942 年遭日本人以魚雷擊沉,之後被拖上峇里島岸邊。1963年一座火山噴發引起的震動,將這艘船隻震到海灘外,使其成為峇里島數一數二知名的潛水地點。

Another set of islands that are breathtaking and quite memorable, are the Gilis; which requires a 1-hour boat ride to get to. The Gilis consist of 3 islands; Gili Trawangan, Gili Air, and Gili Mena. There are no motorized vehicles on the islands, only horse-pulled carts, bicycles, and the occasional electric bicycles. These islands are very relaxed; with many beachside restaurants and an assortment of aquatic activities. For those who are looking for a livelier island, Gili Trawangan, the largest of the three, is recommended. For those who want something slightly more relaxed, but still accessible to some sort of excitement, choose Gili Air. And for those who seek the refuge of only hearing the waves lapping on the beach, then Gili Mena is for you; it is also known as the honey¬mooner’s island.

另一組擁有絕美景色的是吉利群島,令人流連忘返,船程需約一個小時。吉利群島是由三座島嶼組成,分別是特拉旺岸島、空氣島與美偎島。吉利群島上沒有機動車輛,只有馬車、腳踏車與休閒電動車。這些島嶼讓人非常放鬆,有許多海邊餐廳,還有各式各樣的水上活動。想在較有活力島嶼玩耍的旅客,建議前往吉利三島中最大的特拉旺岸島。想要比較悠閒,但可以來點刺激的遊客, 可以選擇空氣島。若想要待在只聽得到海浪拍打海灘的聲音,那麼有蜜月島之稱的美偎島,就很適合你。

There are an infinite number of islands to explore in Indonesia. If you have a mind for adventure and a taste for beautiful beaches, something exciting surely awaits you in Indonesia!


【更多精彩內容請見《全球中央》2017年1月號;訂閱 《全球中央數位雜誌》;本文由《全球中央》雜誌授權刊載,未經同意禁止轉載。】

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