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英國好車 經典與美麗

2015/9/3 14:50(10/26 10:34 更新)


It’s no big surprise that the Japanese automobile manufacturing company Toyota is currently the biggest automaker in the world. Toyotas are everywhere! In 2014 the company sold 10.23 million vehicles, surpassing both Volkswagen and General Motors. Many, however, might be surprised to learn that by the 1950’s, the United Kingdom was the second largest car manufacturer in the world, and the number one exporter. Brands such as Rolls Royce, Mini, MG, Jaguar, and Bentley are just a few of the great British vehicles. Although many of the British car marques have,(sadly for many aficionados), since been acquired by foreign companies, many models are considered iconic representations of British culture, and have been elevated to near cult status based on their appearance in both film and television.

What would Mr. Bean be without his classic green Leyland Mini 1000? One of the vehicles from the television show is currently on display at the National Motor Museum Trust. The original was destroyed in a staged off-screen crash. Rowan Atkison, who plays Mr. Bean in the popular comedy, actually races historic cars in his free time. The little Mini from his show,(hardly a race car), is so popular that it has its own facebook page!

Euzo Ferrari, founder of the sports car company with the same name, called the 1970 Jaguar E-Type Roadster“the most beautiful car ever made”. The one driven by Mike Myers in the hugely popular Austin Powers movies is arguably the best remembered of all. With its red, blue and white interior and Union Jack flag motif, it was perfect for the James Bond spoof films.


日本豐田汽車公司(Toyota Motor Corp.)是目前全球最大的汽車製造商,一點都不令人意外,因為到處可見豐田汽車在路上行駛!豐田2014年售出1,023萬輛汽車,超越德國福斯汽車集團(Volkswagen AG)與美國通用汽車公司(General Motors Co.)。不過,許多人可能沒有想到的是,在1950年代,英國是全球第二大汽車製造國,也是最大汽車出口國。勞斯萊斯(Rolls-Royce)、Mini、MG、捷豹(Jaguar) 與賓利(Bentley),只是英國知名汽車品牌的其中幾個。雖然許多英國汽車品牌之後遭外國企業收購(對許多死忠的汽車愛好者而言,這是令人感傷的事),許多車款仍被視為英國文化的代表,自從在電影與電視亮相後,地位提升到接近「邪教地位」崇拜的程度。

如果少了經典的綠色禮蘭(Leyland)Mini 1000, 豆豆先生會變成什麼樣子?出現在「豆豆秀」的其中一輛汽車,目前展示於英國國家汽車博物館信託公司( National Motor Museum Trust),原本車子在戲外撞毀了。在這齣熱門喜劇飾演豆豆先生的羅溫艾金森(Rowan Atkison),私底下在空閒時會駕駛老車馳騁。戲中的這輛小型Mini車十分受歡迎,現在還有臉書專頁。

跑車公司法拉利創辦人恩佐法拉利(Euzo Ferrari),稱讚捷豹E-Type 敞篷跑車是「史上最美的汽車」。這款麥克邁爾斯在大受歡迎的《王牌大賤諜》(Austin Powers)系列電影中所開的車,可稱做是最被人懷念的。加上紅、藍與白色搭配而成,如英國國旗的「米字旗」外觀,是龐德惡搞電影的絕配。


Beatles fans may remember photos of John Lennon with his over-the top, colourful psychedelic Rolls Royce. The Phantom V model was converted into a limousine, was 19 feet long and weighed three tons. The back seat was converted into a double bed, fitted with a refrigerator, television and record player, and was later painted in the famous psychedelic colours. Lennon once reported that a woman who saw the car was furious and attacked it with an umbrella, shouting You swine! You swine! How dare you do that to a Rolls-Royce!" The Beatles drove the Rolls to receive a medal from the queen, although they were not allowed to take it directly into Buckingham Palace.

No discussion of famous British cars would be complete without mention of the Aston Martin DB5 driven by James Bond in the early Bond films. It first appeared with Sean Connery behind the wheel in the 1964 classic, Goldfinger. It’s the most recognised Bond car, and is considered a star in its own right. At an original cost of £4000, it sold for $4.6 million!

披頭四(The beatles)粉絲可能會記得約翰藍儂(John Lennon)與他的極炫、色彩豐富、如夢幻般頂級勞斯萊斯座車合影的照片。這部勞斯萊斯幻影(Phantom V)車款被改裝成禮車,19 英尺長、重3噸,後座改為雙人床,配有冰箱、電視以及唱盤機,外觀還被被漆成著名的幻彩繪畫。約翰藍儂曾說,一名婦人看到這輛車後暴跳如雷,甚至氣到拿雨傘攻擊車,大喊「你這隻豬、你這隻豬,怎麼膽敢對勞斯萊斯這麼做!」披頭四開著勞斯萊斯去接受女王冊封,不過白金漢宮不准他們直接開進去。

若沒提到詹姆士龐德在早期007電影駕駛的奧斯頓馬丁DB5 ,英國名車的討論就不算完整。史恩·康納萊 在1964年經典電影《金手指》中,首度駕著這款車亮相,如今是知名度最高的龐德座車,被認為是靠自己發光發亮的名車。出廠價格為4,000英鎊(約20萬台幣),如今已經賣到460萬美元(約新台幣1億4,800萬元)。



Key Words

marques-- 品牌、車型- a model or brand of a manufactured product, especially an automobile

aficionados --同好 an enthusiastic admirer follower ; a fan.

iconic--經典的 symbolic, emblematic, or representative:

cult status--邪教地位 a popular person or thing having strong enduring appeal and elevated to worship by some

motif-- 主題 a recurring subject, theme, idea

spoof--滑稽模仿- a mocking imitation of someone or something ,usually light and good-humored; lampoon or parody

psychedelic--迷幻藥的 associated with the hallucinogenic drug LSD, it refers to profound and bright colours often experienced by users of the drug

“You swine! --你這隻豬 an insult – swine meaning “pig”

in its own right --憑藉自身力量 as a result of one's own claims, qualifications, or efforts, rather than an association with someone else.

quintessentially--典型地 of, relating to , or having the nature of a quintessence ; being the most typical (完)


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