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耐操、聽話、不鬧脾氣,再加上工時長、不必付加班費,這種員工哪裡找?答案是:不必找,「它」也是生產線生產出來的,它是「機器人」 !  從自動化生產線上的機械手臂開始,到3 K 產業(源自日文,即骯髒、危險、辛苦的產業),逐步進化到要求光鮮亮麗的服務業,顯示機器人不只能一肩扛起人類嫌惡的工作,愈來愈聰明的「它」,已悄然進入人類的各行各業中 !

想看極光 把握最後機會

2016/9/1 14:53

看極光是你一直以來的夢想嗎?科學家預測在2023年以前,2016年是容易看到極光的最後一年, 因此在你錯失機會前最好趕快!

撰文及考題設計/British Council 英協教育中心 Melissa Henry   中譯/陳怡君 (中央社編譯)

Has it been your dream to see the Aurora Lights? Scientists expect that 2016 will be the last year to easily see the Aurora Lights until 2023, so hurry before you miss your chance!

看極光是你一直以來的夢想嗎?科學家預測在2023年以前,2016年是容易看到極光的最後一年, 因此在你錯失機會前最好趕快!

The Aurora Borealis (in the Northern hemisphere) and Aurora Australis (in the Southern hemisphere) are colorful lights that appear in the sky. They are caused when the sun has a large explosion and thrusts charged particles into space. These particles reach Earth but the atmosphere protects Earth and slows down the particles. They then cause a sudden change in Earth’s magnetic field when they collide with the gas molecules in the atmosphere. The atmosphere molecules become excited which therefore makes them unstable and are forced to release its extra energy as electric currents, or light. Each gas in the atmosphere (oxygen, nitrogen, etc.) emits a different color of light when excited, which is why the Aurora Lights have the various blues, greens, yellows and reds.


當粒子與大氣分子在大氣層碰撞後,地球磁場會突然改變,讓大氣分子處於不穩定的激發狀態, 並被迫釋放出電流、光等多餘能量。當大氣層中的氣體(氧、氮等)受到激發時,會散發出不同顏色,這也是為什麼極光有各種不同的藍、綠、黃、紅等顏色。

The lights happen in cycles and scientists started counting them in 1755. The sun is currently on its 24th sunspot cycle, which is measured by the number of sunspots visible on the sun. Within the cycle there are sunspot maximums and minimums, which correspond to how easily it is to see the lights. Some relate the sunspot cycle to a ‘heartbeat’, meaning that the sun beats every 10 to 12 years and this is what causes the explosions on the sun and therefore the lights.


The 24th cycle maximum has already passed in April 2014 and the cycle is on its way to its end. Although this cycle has been a relatively weak one in comparison to those in the past, scientists suggest traveling this year to see the lights because the sun will soon enter its usual dormant period. However, there is also a possibility of a hibernation period, or a Grand Solar Minimum, in the upcoming years.


It is recommended to see the lights during the equinox months of September and March, but they can be seen from October through February in the Northern hemisphere. You will also need to stay away from light pollution and stay awake into the night as they are typically only visible from dusk to dawn. Most people choose Scandinavia, Greenland, Canada, Alaska, or Russia to see the lights, but they can also be seen in the far northern parts of Scotland, Wales, England, and Northern Ireland! Before going to any destination to see the lights, scientists recommend checking the geomagnetic activity to have a higher promise of electric activity in the night sky.


The Aurora Lights have long been thought of as one of the wonders of the world and have drawn millions of tourists in high hopes of seeing the dancing lights. If you want to catch this current sunspot cycle, you will need to arrange your travel sooner rather than later, or you will have to wait for the next heartbeat of the sun.


更多精彩內容請見《全球中央》2016年9月號;訂閱 《全球中央數位雜誌》;本文由《全球中央》雜誌授權刊載,未經同意禁止轉載。

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