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誰都不願當所謂的「窮忙族」。歐盟對窮忙族(working poor)的定義是,有在工作卻入不敷出,甚至淪落到貧窮線以下的受僱者。維基百科的解釋則是工作貧窮,又稱在職貧窮。窮忙族有別於失業者,他們所得的工資金額不足以維持一個合理的生活品質。


2017/5/2 11:59(8/24 10:22 更新)

撰文及考題設計/British Council 英協教育中心 Brian Welter  中譯/陳怡君 (中央社編譯)  圖/取自Wikimedia Commons

If you have ever been to Italy, you know howmuch of the ancient world's art still exists. Havingsurvived centuries of war, disease, and revolution,every piece has its own history. The statues of fourfamous horses found at the front of Venice's basilica(a large and important Catholic church) of St. Mark'sshow this as much as any other work from antiquity,or the ancient world. The horses reflect the powerand beauty of the real animals. Elegant and strong,these horses seem to have always been there.


In fact, the horses have taken quite an itinerary,finding their beginnings in the history of late ancientRome or even earlier. As recently as 1798, they werein Paris, as part of a collection of ancient statues,paintings, and other artwork that French leaderNapoleon Bonaparte plundered from Rome andother Italian cities. By 1815 they had been returnedto their previous location, in Venice's famous squarewith St. Mark's Cathedral at the centre.


However, Venice was not their original home.The horses have been traced back to the Emperor Constantine, who officially established Rome's new capital, Constantinople, in 330. Whether he had the horses made for the city or had them brought from a Greek island is unknown. This speculation shows just how old and mysterious the horses are.


Why would the ancients – the people of theancient world – want to have statues of four horses?Horse-racing was big business in ancient Rome,and the emperor's new capital would have feltincomplete without a fitting statue of muscularrace horses. It was ancient custom that in war orcompetition a chariot was pulled by four horses, such as the chariot of the Greek god Zeus. “Quad”meaning “four”, such chariots and their four horseswere called a “quadriga”. Quadriga were commondecorations on pottery and mosaics in the ancienteastern Mediterranean. In fact, chariot races werevery popular in the ancient world, and were even anevent at the Olympic games.



As the centuries passed, the Western RomanEmpire broke up into kingdoms and large, powerfulcities. One of the most famous city-states, Venice,remained officially under the government in Constantinople,which as late as the thirteenth-centurystill saw itself in continuity with ancient Rome. In1204, one of the greatest tragedies in the MiddleAges took place: Soldiers from western countriesgoing east to fight in Jerusalem had a disagreementwith the emperor in Constantinople. Thinking thatthe emperor was tricking them, they attacked.


A sack – rioting and theft on a great scale –resulted. Soldiers had the right to take anything theycould carry once they broke through the walls orgates. It was considered part of their pay as soldiers,and was something that they all looked forward to.Naturally, the leaders of the army would get thebiggest prizes. In the “Sack of Constantinople,”countless pieces of art, both large and small, werestolen and brought back to Western Europe, mostlyto Italy. The horses, representative of Constantinople'sfounding, were eagerly taken back to Venicevia ship.


Did the Venetians, the people of Venice, feelguilty? Not at all. The horses were proudlydisplayed as the prizes of the takeover of Constantinople,which once ruled Venice and at that time was considered to be the greatest city in Europe and theMediterranean. The horses represented Constantinople'swealth and power. They were a declarationto the world: Now Venice was more powerful thanConstantinople. Now Venice and its ships ruled theEastern Mediterranean Sea, as Constantinople hadpreviously.


Where would the recently-taken horses go? Anobvious location was St. Mark's Cathedral. A city'scathedral church was its pride. Cities competed tohave the biggest, tallest, most beautiful cathedrals,as they were the local church's seat of power. Peoplefrom all around would come to visit them, leavingprayers and money behind. Cathedrals were bigbusiness. Naturally, then, the horses were placedon the front of St. Mark's, where they remaineduntil the French took power in Italy in the 1790s.To maximize the message of Venice's new foundstrength and superiority, the horses were put highup on a sort of balcony, the church's Loggia, so thateveryone in the square would see them.


Perhaps the horses were forgotten by the locals ascenturies passed. Yet in the 19th century, wealthyEuropeans started to go on tour, principally to Italyand Greece, to enjoy the ancient sculptures, architecture,and paintings. Visitors flocked to Venice,charmed by the waterways, old buildings, and St.Mark's with its horses. Perhaps that's why the Frenchsaw them as such a great prize.


After Napoleon's theft and then the return of thehorses, European upheaval led to them being movedtwice in the twentieth century, once to Rome in1917 to protect them from World War I and a secondtime into the basement of an old Venetian palaceduring World War II. The statues were, thankfully,unharmed. Today they proudly stand over St. Mark'sSquare in Venice, Italy.在拿破崙竊取又歸還這些馬匹後,歐洲的動盪不安,讓牠們在20世紀被移動了兩次:1917年被運至羅馬免於一次世界大戰,第二次則是二戰期間,被安放於威尼斯一座古老宮殿地下室。《聖馬可之馬》幸運地毫髮無傷,如今驕傲地在義大利威尼斯的聖馬可廣場屹立不搖。



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