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近幾年,許多企業與品牌做生意除了賺錢營利之外,具備社會責任感、定期做善事、回饋世人的經營理念與精神,成為爭取消費者認同的最有力宣傳; 然而,有愈來愈多的企業成立宗旨及經營目的,即在於直接幫助社會與弱勢族群。這種「社會企業」反映出創辦人更為寬廣的胸襟及無私的奉獻,體現出「民吾同胞,物吾與也」的推己及人精神!


2016/4/6 16:57

撰文及考題設計/British Council 英協教育中心 Mark O'Sullivan   中譯/劉文瑜

The Elizabethan era is a period in English history that covers a period from 1558-1603, during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, from whom the period takes its name. In fact, many periods in English history are also similarly named after ruling monarchs, such as the Georgian era (Kings George I to IV) and the Victorian era (Queen Victoria).

在英國歷史上,「伊麗莎白時代」(Elizabeth Era)指的是在女王伊麗莎白一世(Queen Elizabeth I)於1558 年至1603年執政的統治期間。事實上,英國史上有許多時期,名稱都源於當時掌權的君主,例如喬治王時代(喬治一世到喬治四世國王)和維多利亞時代(維多利亞女王)。

The period is often regarded as the 'Golden Age' in English history, because England was economically healthier, the people were more optimistic, and it saw the blossoming of poet ry, music, literature and theatre – most notably with William Shakespeare.

伊麗莎白時代被視為英國史上的「黃金時代」, 因為當時經濟繁榮,人們較為樂觀,詩作、音樂、文學和戲劇蓬勃發展,其中又以大文豪莎士比亞(William Shakespeare)最享負盛名。

It was still very much a hierarchical society, with the monarch being the highest rank, nobility as the second level, the gentry as third, the merchants as fourth, and labourers as the fifth and lowest rank in society. During this time there was a real growth in the merchant classes as trade and modern commerce developed. This was mainly around the cloth and weaving industries, and wool trade boomed which led to more building and development in sheep farming communities.


Houses themselves changed as well from being focused on defence to become more focused on comfort. More noticeably, house interiors started to include ornate wood panels, while furniture such as sideboards were used to display plates and tableware. Beds too became more important, elaborate four-poster beds were made and were considered so valuable that they were included in people's wills. People were known to become more focused on hygiene than in previous times, so homes were kept much cleaner.


In terms of food, there was a large supply throughout this period and people didn't suffer from famine. New food imports from the Americas and around the world made their way into kitchens and changed people's tastes, such as potatoes, chocolate, tea and coffee. In large country houses and palaces, Italian and French chefs were employed, and brought in new methods of cooking and food preparation. In the upper classes, banqueting became very popular, and sometimes special tables of small foods were prepared to help aid digestion. Things such as jellies, candied fruits, comfits, spiced nuts, and warm spiced wines were used, as during these times sugar was considered to have medicinal properties and was therefore heavily used.


England emerged as a leading naval power too. Queen Elizabeth's father, Henry VIII, had established the Royal Navy, and Elizabeth had ensured that naval strength remained a priority. People like Sir Francis Drake were ordered by Elizabeth to seize gold and riches from Spanish and Portuguese ships returning from the New World and West Africa, which vastly increased her wealth, and Drake successfully circumnavi¬gated the globe from 1577 to 1580. The high point of Elizabeth's reign was when the Royal Navy defeated the Spanish Armada in 1588 and stopped the planned invasion of England. In 1600 the Queen formally chartered the East India Company, which later became British India, and mass coloni¬sation by Britain around the world began not long after Elizabeth's death.

英國也確立了海上霸主的地位。伊麗莎白一世的父親亨利八世創建英國皇家海軍(Royal Navy),而她也確保強大海軍兵力列為國家首要之務。伊麗莎白一世下令佛朗西斯德瑞克爵士(Sir Francis Drake)等人,從北美洲和西非返航的西班牙及葡萄牙的船隻上奪取黃金和其他財富,進而累積大量財富,德瑞克1577年至1580年成功環航全球。伊麗莎白一世統治時期的巔峰落在1588 年,當時皇家海軍擊敗西班牙無敵艦隊(Spanish Armada),阻止其入侵英國。伊麗莎白一世在1600 年正式授予英國東印度公司皇家特許狀,成為日後英屬印度(British India)的前身,在她辭世後不久,英國開始在全球各地大規模殖民。(完)

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