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人員跨國移動是全球化浪潮現象之一, 面對移民或難民, 各國制定的政策一定程度上體現該國的勞動力需求與人道立場。美國總統川普上任後頒布旅遊禁令引發各界質疑, 人才流失問題也成為企業一大擔憂。 美國國內的移民社區受禁令衝擊, 心理震撼之強不分種族,媒體也議論紛紛,稱這是過去仇視亞裔移民的歷史翻版。同處北美地區,加拿大儘管和美國一樣都是移民國家,移民的生存處境卻有根本上的差異。


2017/3/31 16:24

2016年末,美國選出了新的領導人;但在地球的另一端,英國女王伊麗莎白二世(Queen ElizabethII)今年才剛慶祝在位65週年,成為英國史上第一位慶祝「藍寶石禧年」的君主。她更締造了歷史,成為英國史上在位最久的君王。

撰文及考題設計/British Council 英協教育中心 Jen Wen 中譯/陳怡君(中央社編譯)

2016 saw a new head of state elected in the USA.But on the other side of the globe, Britain’s QueenElizabeth II just celebrated 65 years on the throne,the only monarch to ever celebrate the SapphireJubilee. She has also made history by being thelongest reigning monarch in British history, and isan upstanding example of a strong female leader,one who is capable of modernizing the governmentand able to work endlessly for the benefit of hercountry.

2016年末,美國選出了新的領導人;但在地球的另一端,英國女王伊麗莎白二世(Queen ElizabethII)今年才剛慶祝在位65週年,成為英國史上第一位慶祝「藍寶石禧年」的君主。她更締造了歷史,成為英國史上在位最久的君王。她勇於改造政府、願為國家利益工作不歇,樹立堅強的女性領導人典範。

She was born on April 21, 1926 and was educatedprivately at home in Windsor, without any ideathat one day, she would be the Queen of England.Her uncle, Edward VIII abdicated the throne toElizabeth’s father, George VI. This was becauseEdward proposed to a woman who had been twicedivorced and, because the monarch is the head ofthe Church of England, this was both politically andreligiously inappropriate.


Edward chose to marry rather than remain kingand so George ascended to the throne, puttingElizabeth next in line. It is later said that Edwardand his wife became Nazi sympathisers before andduring World War II and were certainly receivedby Adolf Hitler on a trip to Germany. In 1952, KingGeorge died at the relatively young age of 56, fromexhaustion (and possibly the stress from rulingduring World War II). Elizabeth then became theruler of Britain.


Since her accession on February 6, 1952,Queen Elizabeth has ruled with grace and dignity.During her reign the British Empire has evolvedinto the Commonwealth of Nations, also knownsimply as the Commonwealth. It is an organisationcomposed of 52 sovereign states that were formerlyterritories of the British Empire. It functions byhaving the national governments working togetherto developing plans and reach agreements whichare best for the majority. All member countries are“free and equal”, and five of them even have theirown monarchs. Africa and the Caribbean beganto decolonize quickly in the 1960’s and 1970’s,transitioning to self-government. Early in herreign, Elizabeth and her husband commenced on aseven-month trip, visiting 13 countries during whichshe was the first reigning monarch of Australia andNew Zealand to visit those nations.


It has not always been a walk in the park forQueen Elizabeth. Though she celebrated her SilverJubilee in 1977, she suffered two personal losses thefollowing years: Anthony Blunt, former Surveyorof the Queen’s Pictures (an individual responsiblefor the care and preservation of the royal collectionof pictures) was revealed as a Communist spy.Then came the assassination of her relative LordMountbatten by the Irish Republic Army (IRA).In the 1980’s, six close-range shots were fired atthe Queen as she rode her horse, Burmese, downthe Mall just days before Prince Charles and Dianawedding. It was later discovered that they werejust blanks. The perpetrator was sentenced to fiveyears in prison, but only served three. Elizabeth'sson Prince Andrew, served with the British forcesduring the Falklands War from April to September1982. Later that year, an intruder broke into theQueen’s bedroom in the morning, and sat the foot of the bed chatting with her until assistance arrivedseven minutes later.

對伊麗莎白女王而言,治理國家並不總是輕鬆容易。1977年,女王慶祝即位「銀禧」25週年,卻在翌年遭逢兩次變故:負責管理、保存皇室庫存肖像畫的前肖像官安東尼‧布朗特(Anthony Blunt),被揭發有共諜身分;接著女王的姻親,蒙巴頓伯爵(Lord Mountbatten, 1900-1979)遭愛爾蘭共和軍暗殺。1980年代,就在查爾斯王子與黛安娜的婚禮前幾天,女王騎著愛駒波密絲(Burmese)行經倫敦林蔭道,遭近距離開了六槍。行凶者事後被發現使用空包彈,被判監禁五年實際僅服刑三年。1982年,女王的兒子安德魯王子在4月至9月間,投身英阿福島戰爭前線服役。之後同年的某個早晨,一名闖入者擅入女王寢室,在床尾和女王「閒談」達七分鐘,直到支援趕抵為止。

In the 1990’s the Queen made an address at ajoint meeting of the United States Congress afterthe coalition victory in the Gulf War. In 2011, shewould be the first monarch to visit Ireland since1911, showing the diplomatic and symbolic power ofthe crown. She has had 13 Prime Ministers duringher reign, whom she meets on a weekly basis. Shealso handles about 430 engagements per year andsupports hundred of charitable organizations andprogrammes. She has four children and many grandchildren.Long live the Queen!

1990年代,女王在美國參眾兩院聯席會議中,針對波灣戰爭盟軍勝利發表演說;2011年,她成為史上第一位訪問愛爾蘭的英國君王,展現外交手腕同時宣示皇室權威。女王在位期間與歷任13名首相每週會晤。她一年出席約430場活動,支援數百個慈善機構與計畫,也是四位子女的母親和眾多孫子女的祖母。女王萬歲!(完)【更多精彩內容請見《全球中央》2017年4月號;訂閱 《全球中央數位雜誌》;本文由《全球中央》雜誌授權刊載,未經同意禁止轉載。】

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