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2016/5/3 13:43

撰文及考題設計/British Council 英協教育中心 Melissa Henry   中譯/陳昱婷

‘BREXIT’ is a term that has been coined for the upcoming UK referendum on whether or not to leave the European Union(EU). The official question being posed is‘Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?’ UK citizens will take to the polls on Thursday, June 23, 2016. Whichever side gets more than half of the votes will win. Since it is such a key issue at the moment, this article will discuss some answers to the questions: What is the EU? Why does the UK want to leave or stay? What changes will be made if they stay?


The EU was formed after World War II to allow economic cooperation between European countries, in hopes that those countries who trade together are less likely to declare war on one another. The EU now has 28 countries in an economic and political partnership for goods and people to move freely from one nation to another, such as a single country would allow. It also established its own currency, the euro, which 19 of the member countries use. The EU has their own parliament which sets rules on a variety of issues from consumer rights to the environment. Thus, all EU member countries must follow the regulations that the EU sets.

二次世界大戰結束後成立的歐盟,是歐洲國家區域經濟合作的組織,希望透過彼此間的貿易合作來減少衝突、甚至宣戰的可能。歐盟現在有28 個成員國,在這個經濟政治聯盟中,商品和民眾可自由進出各國,就宛如單一國家一樣。歐盟也發行名為歐元的統一貨幣,目前有19個歐盟成員國使用。歐盟還有自己的議會,制定從消費者權益到環境等各式各樣議題法規,因此,所有成員國必須遵守歐盟制定的規章。


Consequently, some UK citizens feel that the EU has become increasingly more controlling over the last 40 years. For example, some of the rules they place on businesses make it more difficult for small and medium sized businesses to trade. Others argue that the EU is trying to get their member states increasingly closer, to create a United States of Europe’, which the UK does not wish to have because, as one example, they want to have independent control of their borders. On the contrary, some citizens believe being an EU member nation allows trade within the EU easier and thus are able to have more successful businesses. Others argue that migrant workers are economically profitable, because most immigrate to work and thus drives up economic growth and aids in funding public services.

因此,部分英國公民認為過去40年來,歐盟控管越來越嚴。舉例來說,歐盟制定的某些貿易規定, 讓中小企業貿易難度增加。有人認為這是因為歐盟想讓成員國往來更加密切,以創造出「歐洲合眾國」的做法,然而這卻是英國不想看到的結果,他們希望對自己的國界掌有獨立控制權;相反地,也有些英國公民認為做為歐盟一員,有助於在歐盟內的貿易,讓做生意更容易成功。其他人則認為移民勞工獲得的經濟效益更多,因為大部分移民勞工不僅是推動經濟成長的動力,還對資助公共服務有幫助。

If the UK remains an EU member, there are several changes that will be made. Some of these changes include keeping the pound currency, cutting some of the red tape that regulates businesses, and writing in that the UK does not wish to have a closer relationship with the other EU nations. Other changes include if a citizen of an EU nation marries a citizen of a non-EU nation, the latter will not auto¬matically be able to enter into the UK as before, in efforts to block fake marriages.


Therefore, whether the UK votes to stay in the EU or not, there will inevitably be changes in their laws and regulations. This article only discusses some of the issues revolving around the upcoming referendum. Experts, analysts, government officials, and UK citizens have been asking the question: which is better? However, one can only speculate about the outcome of such a large decision, and hope for the best.

因此,不管英國公投決定要脫歐還是留歐, 法律和法規不可避免地都會產生改變。本文只探討一些圍繞在即將到來的公投周圍的議題而已。專家、分析師、政府官員和英國公民不斷在問,到底哪個選項比較好?對於如此重大的決議也只能試圖推測結果,並抱持著樂觀的希望。(完)

更多精彩內容請見《全球中央》2016年5月號;訂閱 《全球中央數位雜誌》;本文由《全球中央》雜誌授權刊載,未經同意禁止轉載。

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