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英敞開門 助難民安置生活

2016/3/3 10:09

撰文及考題設計/British Council 英協教育中心 Melissa Henry   中譯/陳怡君 (中央社編譯)

“The worst refugee crisis since World War II.” That is what the media is calling the current diaspora of asylum seekers that Europe is experiencing. Approximately 50 million people fled their homes last year, most due to war. As a result, the UK, like many other European nations, has opened their doors for asylum seekers, giving them an opportunity to escape their war-torn nation.

「自二次世界大戰以來最嚴重的難民危機」─ 這是媒體所描述目前歐洲面臨的尋求庇護潮。去年約5,000萬人逃離家鄉,大多是戰爭所迫。因此英國和許多歐洲國家一樣,為尋求庇護者敞開大門,讓他們有機會逃離戰火蹂躪的國家。

When people first flee their homeland, they are classified as an asylum seeker. Asylum seekers report themselves once arriving in a foreign country and wait for approval of refugee status. In the UK, asylum seekers are provided temporary housing, can apply to receive a small amount of financial support of £5.28 a day, but do not have the right to work. Once given refugee status, refugees in the UK have the right to work and receive public funds. After five years, they can then apply for permanent settlement if they wish.

當人們逃離家園時,會被歸類為尋求庇護者。他們來到外國後先登記,等待難民身分核可。英國政府會提供尋求庇護者暫時住宅,以及一天5.28 英鎊(約新台幣257元)的小額援助,但還是沒有工作權。一旦他們獲得當局核可的難民身分,就擁有工作權與獲得公共福利金,五年後,可依意願申請永久居留。

Before 2015, most people were not aware of asylum seekers or refugees, because the media typically did not shine light on the issue. Throughout 2015, however, the media has exposed the dangerous journeys asylum seekers take to arrive in other lands; for example, traveling over sea in a small, unstable boat or on bike through cold European lands. In September, the tragic photograph of a drowned 3-year old Syrian boy on a Turkish beach went viral, showing the harsh reality of what asylum seekers endure to evade war.


With increasing pressure to help those who were fleeing, in June 2015, European nations decided to share the burden of the massive increase of asylum seekers, the majority originating from Syria, followed by Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, and South Sudan. While initially opting out of this humanitarian effort, the UK has now been granting asylum for thousands of seekers and has committed £1.1 billion to this cause. Prime Minister David Cameron promised to bring 1,000 Syrian asylum seekers to the UK by Chr istmas, which he succeeded in doing. Now the UK has their eyes set on aiding 20,000 Syrians over a five-year period.

隨著協助難民的壓力不斷上升,2015年6月,歐洲各國決定分擔尋求庇護者大量增加的重擔,這些難民主要來自敘利亞,其次是阿富汗、索馬利亞、蘇丹與南蘇丹。儘管一開始不願插手難民事務,英國如今已為數千名難民提供庇護與挹注11 億英鎊(約新台幣535億元)經費。英國首相卡麥隆曾承諾要在耶誕節前接納1,000名敘利亞人,而他也真的實踐諾言。如今英國設下要在未來五年援助2萬名敘利亞人的目標。

To help in this effort, the UK has established a Vulnerable Person Relocation (VPR) programme to help Syrians obtain 'Humanitarian Protection'. 'Humanitarian Protection' is for people who do not legally fit the definition of 'refugee' but need international protection because of the threat of death, torture, or an armed conflict. Persons with 'Humanitarian Protection' will still have the right to work and receive public funds under this new scheme. After five years, they can then apply for permanent settlement in the UK.


Even with government aid, refugees flee with very little belongings and are given a minimum to start their lives over. Therefore, organizations that help refugees, such as the British Red Cross or Oxfam, have raised awareness to support and aid the refugees successfully resettle. This has involved education, housing, food, help with finding work, or any other necessity to live in 2016. All in all, although not ideal, the call for action to aid refugees is being answered, but there is still more work to be done for the future.


更多精彩內容請見《全球中央》2016年3月號;訂閱 《全球中央數位雜誌》;本文由《全球中央》雜誌授權刊載,未經同意禁止轉載。

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